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        HOME > NEWS > Production of motor of fascia gun

        Production of motor of fascia gun

        The motor of fascia gun belongs to the series of brushless DC motor which will  gradually replace the brushed DC motor.  There are some features of brushless motor: high price, incomplete product series, can’t match with existing application products, imperfect process and parts. In order to enable consumers to experience better productscountless industry counterparts have done a lot of work to address the shortage of brushless motor.

        In recently years, we can see that brushless motor is in more applications to occupy the market. Moreover, due to the expansion of the market, the cost performance of brushless motor will be more appropriate after mass production, and the process and performance will be more and more perfect.

        Fascia gun motor is a successful brushless motor in recent two years. With its advantages of low noise, long life, adjustable speed and high efficiency, which has been recognized by manufacturers and customers since it came out.

        Through the comparison of various schemes, reliability verification, improvement and optimization process, and  the key technology points of this motor is improved little gradually. Finally it becomes a member of LODA series brushless motor products.